Dreamuse Score Attack Tournament

Compete with players around the world to see who can score the highest in the game's Score Attack Mode!





1. Download Dreamuse!

2. Play through the tutorial campaign (~30 minutes) to unlock the Score Attack mode, which will be accessible through the Title screen.

3. Complete Score Attack mode and take a screenshot of the Results. If you accidentally close the Results before taking a screenshot, you can reopen it from the Records option on the Title screen. (The Records will only store your best attempt.) 

4. Attach the screenshot and reply to this tweet: OFFICIAL ENTRY TWEET

5. You can attempt the Score Attack and try to update your high score as many times as you’d like!



1. Entries must be submitted between:

2. The screenshot submitted must include the entirety of the game screen, with all elements being fully visible and readable. (A sample entry is posted below the official submission tweet as an example.)

3. Participants are allowed to submit as many entries as they like during the submission time period. However, only the submission with the highest score will be used.

4. Winning participants will be contacted through the Twitter account they used to submit their entry.



Please see ISSUE & FIX: Button Indicator Format for workarounds regarding the display of Playstation-style buttons.



*No purchase necessary to participate in the contest. Must be at least 13 years of age to submit entries. Additional restrictions on age and nationality are subject to the contestant's local, state, and/or national laws.

**Prizes will be paid to the winners through PayPal only. Winners will be responsible for all taxes and fees that may arise from their local laws and regulations.

***The contest runner (Andy Chen) reserve the right to disqualify a submission for reasons including, but not limited to, falsifying and doctoring of screenshots.


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